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How Did I End Up In Puerto Rico?

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¡Hola Mi Gente! My name is Bianca, and I am the voice and creator behind “This Latina Travels” – A podcast about travel through the eyes of a First-Gen Latina Traveler/college grad!

One of the questions I always get is... how did I end up living in Puerto Rico?

To be honest, some days I still wake up and it doesn’t feel real. But then the power or water goes out and YEP – it’s real, I live in PR. But bad jokes aside, the simple answer is my job. And I always acknowledge the fact that I moved here initially with a state base salary. Which is KEY because the average salary in PR is anywhere between $20,000 - $25,000 a year! Yep, I wish I was joking, but there is a HUGE difference with LIVING in Puerto Rico versus vacationing in Puerto Rico.

Now that you know how I ended up in PR let me share some gems that you might want to take note prior to visiting:

  1. You do NOT need a passport to travel to PR!
  2. Uber only exists in the METRO area, which is San Juan!
  3. Gasoline prices are listed as Liters NOT gallons!
  4. Bring CASH because the withdrawal fees will be higher with PR Banks!
  5. If you’re checking in a suitcase when you are heading back to the states, make sure to get your Department of Agriculture sticker PRIOR to going to the check in counter.

There is SO much more about Puerto Rico, to learn more check out my podcast episode for more gems on the island and if you want more specific guidance purchase my Getaway Guide for San Juan where I breakdown the best places to eat, stay, daily activities, nightlife, and more!

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